Galaga Game Environment

In order to use DeepMind’s DQN code for my Nintendo AI agent with minimum porting effort, I’d need to develop a game environment API very similar to ‘xitari’ and ‘alewrap’, the Atari game emulator used by DeepMind.

As shown in the diagram in my previous post ‘DQN (RL Agent) on TX1 for Nintendo Famicom Mini’, the ‘game environment’ should provide the following functionalities:

  • providing the ‘state’ (game image) to the agent
  • providing the ‘reward’ (game score, remaining lives) to the agent
  • receiving the ‘action’ from the agent and transition to next state

For my purpose (letting AI learn to play Galaga), I can get the ‘state’ by capturing HDMI video directly from Nintendo Famicom Mini. And I can get the ‘reward’ by parsing game images (‘galaga’ module). Then I need to define the actions.

In Galaga, there are only 6 possible actions a player can take: moving left, moving right, stay still, or the aforementioned 3 actions plus firing bullets. So I define actions 1~6 as follows.

 -- Get the list of available actions.
 -- get_actions() is now hard-coded for Galaga...
 function gameenv.get_actions()
     assert(gameenv.is_initialized, 'get_action() called while gameenv is not initialized')
     local actions = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
     -- Six possible actions are defined for Galaga:
     -- 1 = Left
     -- 2 = Stay
     -- 3 = Right
     -- 4 = Left  + Fire
     -- 5 = Stay  + Fire
     -- 6 = Right + Fire
     return actions

In addtion, I also need a reliable mechanism to restart a new game. Using a physical Nintendo console is not like using the game emulator, where we can reset the game environment at any time and start a new game. For my case I just have to wait for a certain sequence of game images and press ‘Start’ button at the appropriate times. Here is how it looks like.

Galaga new game sequence

With all the above straightened up, coding of the ‘gameenv’ (Galaga game environment is straightforward. And the resulting API is quite simple.

  • gameenv.init() -> initialize the game environment.
  • gameenv.cleanup()
  • gameenv.get_actions() -> query available actions for the game.
  • gameenv.new_game() -> start a new Galaga game (this function might wait a long time for the previous game to finish).
  • gameenv.step(a) -> take action ‘a’, trasition to next state, then return the ‘state’, ‘reward’ and ‘terminal’ (whether the game is over); if ‘a’ is nil, then repeat the previous action and step forward.
  • gameenv.get_score() -> read the score of the current game.

The source code has been committed to the ‘gameenv’ subdirectory in my project repository.

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