Faster R-CNN on Jetson TX2

2018-03-30 update: I’ve written a subsequent post about how to build a Faster RCNN model which runs twice as fast as the original VGG16 based model: Making Faster R-CNN Faster!

In my opinion Faster R-CNN is the ancestor of all modern CNN based object detection algorithms. It is not as fast as those later-developed models like YOLO and Single Shot Multibox Detector (SSD), but it’s probably still the most accurate among those variants.

I started using Faster R-CNN on Jetson TX2 quite a while ago, and have since developed good understanding about it. In this post I’m sharing how to install Faster R-CNN, as well as how to do real-time object detection with a pre-trained Faster R-CNN model on JTX2.


Note that the py-faster-rcnn code only works with python2 so the descriptions below are all towards python2.



  1. Check out the code from GitHub. Note that in addition to py-faster-rcnn’s caffe we’d also need a copy of BVLC caffe since we need to copy the latest cudnn code from it.

    $ cd ~/project
    $ git clone bvlc-caffe
    $ git clone --recursive
    $ cd py-faster-rcnn/caffe-fast-rcnn
    $ cp ~/project/bvlc-caffe/include/caffe/util/cudnn.hpp ./include/caffe/util/
    $ cp ~/project/bvlc-caffe/src/caffe/layers/cudnn* ./src/caffe/layers/
    $ cp ~/project/bvlc-caffe/include/caffe/layers/cudnn* ./include/caffe/layers/
    $ cp Makefile.config.example Makefile.config
  2. Install additional dependencies required for the demo script (assuming all required packages for caffe have already been installed, as stated in the Prerequisite section).

    $ sudo pip2 install easydict
  3. (Optional yet recommended) Set JTX2 to max performance mode before starting to build the code.

    $ sudo nvpmodel -m 0
    $ sudo ~/
  4. Modify Makefile.config as below. Or you could reference my modified Makefile.config.

    • Set USE_CUDNN := 1
    • Set OPENCV_VERSION := 3
    • Add compute_62 (for TX2) and compute_53 (for TX1) into CUDA_ARCH
    • Replace python2.7 numpy include path with /usr/local/lib/..... (since I used pip install numpy to install the latest version of numpy)
    • Set WITH_PYTHON_LAYER := 1
    • Add /usr/include/hdf5/serial into INCLUDE_DIRS
    • Add /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu and /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/hdf5/serial into LIBRARY_DIRS
  5. Remove line #11 (#include "caffe/vision_layers.hpp") of py-faster-rcnn/caffe-fast-rcnn/src/caffe/test/test_smooth_L1_loss_layer.cpp (reference). Build and test caffe.

    $ cd ~/project/py-faster-rcnn/caffe-fast-rcnn
    $ make -j4 all pycaffe
    ### Testing is optional. In fact, some test would probably fail due to
    ### JTX2 running out of memory. And that is OK.
    $ make -j4 test
    $ make runtest
  6. Modify line #135 of py-faster-rcnn/lib/ by replacing sm_35 with sm_62 (this corresponds to TX2’s CUDA architecture). Then build the Cython module.

    $ cd ~/project/py-faster-rcnn/lib
    $ make

Here, installation of Faster R-CNN is complete. We would download the pre-trained Faster R-CNN object detector model, as well as the script. Note the pre-trained model was trained with Pascal VOC 2007 dataset and could detect 20 classes of objects. Finally we could run the demo script and check the result.

   $ cd ~/project/py-faster-rcnn
   $ ./data/scripts/
   $ wget -O tools/
   ### By default the demo script uses JTX2 onboard camera, read the
   ### help message for details.
   $ python2 tools/ --help
   ### To run the demo script with USB webcam (/dev/video1), try the
   ### following.
   $ python2 tools/ --usb

Here’s a screenshot of running on my JTX2. It’s not fast (took roughly 0.9 second to process 1 image), but works.

Faster R-CNN camera demo on JTX2

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